
Book Editing Services

Sometimes it’s hard to spot errors in your own work. Have you repeatedly started sentences in the same way? Have you overused adverbs? Too much passive tense? Inconsistences with capitalization or spellings? A mix of US and UK spellings? You’re so involved in your own writing that these things can easily be
missed. With our comprehensive knowledge of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, we’ll ensure that your writing is polished and error-free. So, if you want to take your writing to the next level and impress your audience, contact us now and let us help you achieve your goals! We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results.

Why does your book need editing?

Editing does more than correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors: it ensures that the text is clear, precise, and adheres to the rules of language, making it easier for readers to understand and engage with your content. Editing is an essential step in the book-writing process, as it helps improve the quality of the content, enhance the reading experience, and ensure that the book effectively communicates its intended message to the audience. Our team of expert book editors will guide you through the revision process, suggest changes, and ultimately make you a better writer.


What kind of books do we edit?

No matter the genre, our team of professional editors can accommodate every genre of fiction and nonfiction.


Proofreading ensures that your book is free from grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, punctuation errors, and typographical errors. It helps eliminate minor errors that may have been missed during the writing and editing stages. 

This service is offered only if your manuscript has been edited. We’ll assist you with:

·        Spelling

·       Grammar

·       Punctuation

·       Line and page breaks


Proofreading costs $0.008 per word.
or $80 per 10,000 words.


Copyediting ensures that your book adheres to the rules of language, grammar, and syntax. It corrects errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure, resulting in a polished and error-free manuscript. Our team of professional copyeditors work to maintain a consistent writing style throughout the bookensuring that the author’s voice remains intact while streamlining the prose, improving sentence flow, and eliminating any inconsistencies in style or tone.

We’ll assist you with:

·       Spelling

·       Grammar

·       Punctuation

·       Line and page breaks

·       Consistency

·       Usage


Copy editing costs $0.020 per word.
or $200 per 10,000 words.

Line editing

Line editing aims to elevate the quality of the writing by focusing on the details that contribute to its overall effectiveness. It helps refine the style, clarity, and impact of each line, resulting in a more compelling and polished final manuscript.

We’ll assist you with:

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Line and page breaks
  • Consistency
  • Usage
  • In-document comments
  • Paragraph structure
  • Chapter breaks
  • Plot flow
  • Pacing
  • Dialogue
  • Continuity

Line editing costs $0.025 per word.
or $250 per 10,000 words.

Developmental Editing

 Developmental editing, also known as substantive editing, is a comprehensive and in-depth form of editing that focuses on the overall structure, content, and development of a book. Developmental editing aims to elevate your book’s overall quality, ensuring that your book is coherent, engaging, and resonates with your intended audience. It focuses on the big-picture elements of your manuscript, providing guidance and support to help you refine your ideas and produce a stronger final work.

Development editing costs $0.035 per word,
or $350 per 10,000 words.


Want the opinion of a book fanatic before it gets published? Whether you’re an experienced or novice writer, a beta read is the perfect feedback starting point to give you direction on where to take your story next. We will read your work and provide top-level feedback in the form of a report on what’s working well and where there are opportunities to make your writing and storytelling even stronger.

This process is completed after the final draft.
It costs $50.00 per 25,000 words.

our process

Step 1: Fill Out Form

Request an editing quote by clicking on “GET A QUOTE” below the editing package you want. Fill out the form, attach your book, and submit. It takes less than one minute.


Step 2: Accept Quote

Once you’ve sent in your request, we’ll email a quote within 2 business days.


Step 3: Pay Invoice

Once your quote is accepted we’ll email you an invoice. You can pay it using PayPal or a credit card.


Step 4: Publish

We’ll email your edited book back to you. With the ‘Track Changes’ feature in Microsoft Word, you can review each edit and choose what stays.


Why are your editing rates so low compared with others?

Our company exists to help independent authors as much as possible and to ensure they have a polished product that’s ready for publishing. At first, we didn’t provide any editing services because we only wanted to focus on cover and interior design. Sadly, many of our clients were being misled by companies that offered editing services and either took deposits without following through with any actual editing, or they would turn in an inadequate edit.

Does my manuscript need editing?

Yes, book editing is generally necessary if you want to publish a polished and professional piece of work. Editing helps improve the overall quality of a book by addressing issues related to grammar, spelling, structure, clarity, coherence, style, and tone. Whether you hire a professional editor or rely on trusted beta readers, having an outside perspective and expert guidance can greatly enhance the impact and reception of your work.

What are the editors’ qualifications?

Our editing team has years of experience and each editor has been vetted to ensure they meet our standards. When you submit for a quote, we will provide a free sample edit of up to 1000 words so you can judge the quality of the work for yourself.

How do I review the editor's recommendations?

Our editors use the track changes feature for every book editing project, so you can review each edit and choose what to implement.

How long will it take you to edit my manuscript?

The length of time will be determined by your word count, genre, editor availability, etc. The longer your manuscript is, the longer it’ll take to edit, to ensure that every sentence component can be carefully reviewed. We will provide an estimated date of completion prior to starting each service.

What is your process for editing and proofreading?

All manuscripts are edited in MS Word, and our editors use the track changes review feature, so you can see each edit and choose what to implement. 

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